welcome to the



Episode 1 - Introducing the Revolution

Sidonie introduces the Rebrand Revolution and asks us what if it is our own language and labels that is preventing us from becoming the best version of ourselves? She invites us to join her weekly as she calls out some of the pop-culture-psychology and leadership cliches that are holding us back and bring about big change in our minds and our lives. 
Sidonie gives us some background on her history with words, meaning, and power, and unpacks some of the milestones in her evolving relationship with language and possibility. 

Episode 2 - The Inner Critic

In this episode Sidonie tackles the Inner Critic. Whether yours looks like a gremlin or one of the Real Housewives, chances are, it's trying to ruin a few good things for you. Sidonie talks about where the idea of the Inner Critic comes from and then walks us through the good, the bad, and the ugly of the term. She proposes a rebrand that involves a bit of a mental restructure and asks what would happen if we retired our Inner Critic and replaced them with an Inner Council.

Episode 3 - Potential

Welcome to the Rebrand Revolution. In this episode Sidonie unpacks one of the words that simultaneously thrills and fills us with dread. "Potential" - a favourite of parents, bosses, authority figures and the self-development crowd, she discovers why the word messes with our heads so much and what a take-back might allow us to find in ourselves.